Sunday, July 29, 2012

Questions for week July 29th - August 4th

1) Before Sunday’s message, Fight Like a Girl, what did a wife submitting to her husband mean to you? 

2) Remember, the husband submits to God and the wife submits to her husband, so we are all called to submit.  Does knowing this help you play your role in the marriage?  Why?

3) As a wife, in what ways has your intuition helped you protect your husband in marriage?    

4) In a healthy marriage, the couple is a team working toward the same goals.  If you are married, in what ways do you work as a team?

5) One of the greatest things we can achieve in our marriage is to be an example for other marriages. Who’s marriage has been an example to you?

6) Whether you are married or not, what has been the greatest lesson you have learned in our series Man vs Wife?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Questions for week July 22nd - 28th

1) What is your natural tendency, to be quick to listen or quick to talk?  How has that helped or hurt you in the past?

2) If you have grown in your communication skills share with the group the lessons you have learned and how your communication has changed your everyday life for the better? 

3) Of the three wise instructions for better relationships (Quick to listen, Slow to speak, and Sweeten up) which one is the easiest for you to do?  Which one is the most difficult for you to do?  And why?

4) What about Sunday's message How to Fight Right impacted you the most? And what changes do you plan to begin making in the way you communicate with your mate and others?

Life Group Leader Form

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Questions for week July 15th-21st

1) Take some time to review the message and read Philippians 2:1-11.

2) As you observe your own or other marriages, what are some common ways spouses put their own needs first; and (b) what can spouses do to show they consider their mates better than themselves (give specific, relevant examples)?
3) How do YOU fight for your marriage? What specific things do you do to keep your marriage strong? If you are single, how would you fight for your marriage, and what things would you do to keep it strong?
4) Why do you think it is important to ask God to work in you before you ask Him to work in your spouse?
5) How have you struggled as a married couple to fight for your RIGHTS rather than your RESPONSIBILITIES? How does Sunday’s takeaway need to be more relevant to your life or marriage?
6) What spoke to you most about Sunday’s Message?

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Questions for week July 8th-14th

1) What dreams and callings have you felt God placing on your life?

2) God uses people who have little, to offer much to the world. Can you name someone in your life that had little that God has taken and used in a great way? What were their characteristics (humble, willing, etc)?

3) There is always a 'first step' to walking in God's will for your life. What are some of the things that cause you to hesisitate in taking that first step (fear, uncertainty, etc)? If you have ever experienced taking that first step what was the result and fruit from that obedience?

4) If you have hesitated in the past to obey the word of the Lord for your life, what do you plan today to do to wait no more and take that first step?

Life Group Leader Report Form 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Questions for week July1st-7th

‎1) Do you, or have you ever, dealt with feeling you have to earn the love of God? In your opinion, why do you think we feel like we have to 'do' something in order to receive God's favor?

2) When people judge and criticize you, do you have to fight to not be bound by that criticism? Or is it easy to let go of what people say and what enables you to do so?

3) How does knowing every day of your life is in God's hands help you move though the good, and especially the bad, days?

4) How has daily turning from yourself and turning to God changed your walk with God? And how has it changed your life?

Life Group Leader Report Form