Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Foundations Session Two

Session 2 Questions
How to Understand the Bible

Watch Session 2, then discuss the questions and answers below. If you are using an Apple TV, here is the link to the video https://vimeo.com/126831536

1) When you first began reading the Bible, was it confusing and hard for you to understand?

2) What is one of your favorite Bible stories and why?

3) What is the difference between welcoming someone and making someone feel welcome? (Answers could include- making someone feel welcome is more from heart, while welcoming someone is more about just action.)

4) The Word has the power to change our lives when we welcome it with a repentant heart. Is there a verse of scripture that has helped cultivate, grow and change your life?

5) Studying the bible can give us knowledge about God, but living out the bible gives us a true relationship with God.  How has putting into practice the parts of the bible you do understand helped cultivate your relationship with God?

6) What are some of the things you do in front of the mirror? (Answers could include- brushing their teeth, shaving, putting on makeup, drying or brushing their hair.)  How do you think you would look if you had no mirror? How do you think your life would look without looking into the mirror of God's Word?

7) Why is it so difficult to quiet our minds when coming to the Word? How do you overcome that difficulty?

8) What practical steps can you take before listening to or reading God’s Word to make sure you receive it with humility?

9) Read Deuteronomy 6:4-12. What do these verses say we should do with God’s Word?

10) Read Deuteronomy 8:10-18. How do these verses challenge you to memorize God’s Word? What do these verses warn can happen to you if you don’t know His Word (verse 14)?

Ask if anyone has any thoughts or comments to add to your discussion.

End your time together by praying that the Word will become more alive than ever before and that everyone would come to it with a repentant, responsive and reflective heart.

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