The Wonder of One
1) When was the last time
you experienced an extreme hardship of someone else that you could do nothing
about? How did you handle or deal with
your feelings or the situation?
2) Read Galatians 6:9-10 in
a couple different translations.
-How does this verse of
scripture effect you?
-What are some of the good
things that you do that cause you to get fatigued?
-What was a harvest that you
have reaped after not giving up while doing good? And how has that changed you?
3) Of the three tips to
apply when doing for someone what you wish you could do for everyone (Go deep
rather than wide, Go long-term rather than short-term, Go time not just money)
which one do you struggle with the most? And why?
4) Have you already begun to
pray about, and let God lead you to find, your ‘one’?
5) What are some of your
fears when it comes to going deep, long-term, and not just money but time with
an individual or group of people? What
steps can you take to help alleviate those fears?
6) What was your main take-a-way
from the message The Wonder of One?
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