Sunday, January 27, 2013

Questions for week Jan 27th - Feb 2nd

Better Part 4
Making the Turn

1) Just for fun, does anyone have a snow story?  Maybe you have never seen snow, never want to see snow again, or LOVE snow.  What has been your experience with snow?

2) The take a way truth for our last message in Better was, Life is better when lived in balance.  What are some of the areas of your life where you feel you live in balance quite well?  What has been your key to living in balance in those areas?

3) What are some of the areas you would love to have more balance in?

4) Of the 6 things listed below that will help us live a balanced life, which one do you feel is going to help you the most when turning things around in your life?
-Confront and Own the Problem
-Keep your Past in the Past
-Challenge your Emotions
-Believe that Change is Possible
-Make Yourself Accountable
-Depend on and Submit to the Power of Christ

5) Here is our main take a way truth for the series Better, You have to be willing to let go of the good, in order to fully embrace the better. And here are the main points of each message:
-Strive to Live with an Ongoing, Unending Awareness that God is Present at all Times
-Life is better when we have Less of What Doesn’t Matter so that we can Experience more of What Does
-Godly Insight is Better than Greater Income
-Life is Better when lived in Balance
 After listening to all four messages, what were some of your greatest revelations from this series? And which one do you feel has helped you the most?

Don't forget to fill out your Life Group Leader Report here.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Questions for week Jan 20th-26th

Better Part 3
Word to the Wise

1) Over the past three weeks of our series, has there been anything good that you have let go of so you could embrace something better?

2) You may have not sold a record company that ended up selling lots or records or turned down a staring role in a movie that went on to make lots of money. But has there been an opportunity in your life that you did not take because you did not think it was good, but in the end it would have been way better had you made the right decision?  What did that experience teach you?

3) Solomon's sacrifice of 1,000 animals was extravagant and was rewarded extravagantly. What has been your greatest sacrifice in life that has reaped you the greatest rewards?

4) The take a way truth for Sunday’s message was, Godly insight is better than greater income.  We read Proverbs 4:7 that said, “Getting wisdom is the most important thing you can do.  Whatever else you get, get insight.”  How would you instruct someone if they asked you, “How do I gain more wisdom?”

5) What is the wisest thing someone ever taught you?  What are some of the wise things you try to teach with others (kids, students, friends, etc.)?

6) Wisdom changes the game.  In what ways has your life been changed because of wisdom?

Don't forget to fill out the Life Group Leader Report Form here.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Questions for week Jan 13th-19th

Better Part 2
Have Less to Get More

1) Pastor Mark talked about Milk Duds in his message so to get us started today, if you could have only one kind of candy for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?

2) One of the greatest lies of the Enemy is that you will find true satisfaction is hidden in that one thing you do not yet possess.  Have you ever sought after something, someone, someplace and once you possessed it you realized that satisfaction did not lie within it?  What lessons did you learn?

3) Our take a way truth for this past Sunday was Life is better when we have less of what doesn’t matter so that we can experience more of what does.  What are the things in life you would say doesn’t matter?  What are the things in life you would say does matter? 

4) What would you say matters the most to you?  Do you feel your everyday actions model this?  Would others say your everyday life model’s this?

5) Of the three ways to let go of what doesn’t matter (cut back, throw out, & turn off) which one do you struggle to do?  Which one do you find the easiest to do?

6) What would the landscape of your life look like if you cut back, throw out & turn off the things that matter the least? 

7) How is your 2013 coming along thus far?  Do you feel you are doing the right things to make it better?  What do you feel you are struggling with the most?

As a life group, close your time together praying and believing that God can do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we can even ask or think in 2013.

Don't forget to fill out your Life Group Leader Report found here.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Questions for week January 6th-12th

Better Part 1

1) Is there a recipe that your mom, dad or a close family friend cooks that when they cook it, it just tastes better?

2) Everyone wants the good life.  If you had to define for someone what the good life means, how would you describe it?

3) Our take away truth for Sunday was, You have to be willing to let go of the good in order to fully embrace the better.  Can you name something in your life that was good that you let go of and once you did you discovered something better?

4) Our big idea for this first message in Better is, Strive to live with an ongoing, unending awareness that God is present at all times.  What can you do to change setting time aside for God to living your life with God everyday?

5) Developing the habit of constant communication with God is one way to live with an ongoing awareness of His presence in our lives.  How do you stay in constant communication with God, or what habits can you develop that will assist you in staying in communication with God throughout the day?

6) Developing the habit of instant obedience is another great way to live with an ongoing awareness of God’s daily presence.  Share a time when you were immediately obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  How has that moment of obedience impacted your life?

7) What area of your life do you hope is better in 2013 than it was in 2012?  What action steps do you plan to take to make it better?

Don't forget to fill out your Life Group Leader Report found here.