Sunday, March 24, 2013

Questions for week March 24th - 30th

The Spark

1) What's your favorite Easter candy?

2) Was Easter a holiday you grew up celebrating?

3) What traditions did you have as a family surrounding this holiday?

4) What traditions could you as an individual or as a family start to better remember this Holy Week?

5) Read Matthew 21:1-11 out loud as a group...  What do you think Jesus' entry was like? 

6) What "sparked" your connection with Jesus?

7) How can we change the statistic that says, "98% of church-goers never extend an invitation in a given year to someone to join them to check out church."- Dr. Thom Rainer, The Unchurched Next Door 

8) What steps can be taken this week to get three people to CCA?

Don't forget to fill out the Life Group Leader Report Form found here.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Questions for week March 17th - 23rd


1) If you attended Egg Drop share some stories about your experience. 

2) What was some of the greatest changes in your life that you and others noticed when you gave your life to Christ? 

3) The only way to know God intimately is through revelation.  What revelations have you come to know about Him as you have walked with God?

4) When people have an intimate relationship with God they reflect Him through their actions. Share about someone you know who reflects God in their life and what is it about them that points to God's presence in their life?

5) What things do you want God to change in you so you can share your faith more? (Ex: Overcome fear of what people think about you, etc.)

Don't forget to fill out your Life Group Leader Questions found here.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Questions for week March 10th-16th

Change your World in 52 Days
Finishing Strong

1) Just for fun: What’s one thing that you will always have in your car?

Please scroll down and go back to the last 2 to 3 week’s of Change your World in 52 Days' questions (depending on the last time you had life group) and go through the ones you haven’t gone through before continuing. 

2) There are two tactics the enemy uses to keep you from finishing strong.  One is to distract you.  He will use two kinds of distractions: small ones and good ones.  What are some of the small and good distractions you face on a continual bases while trying to do the things God has called you to?

3) The second tactic the enemy uses to keep you from finishing strong is to discredit you.  Have you ever experienced someone trying to discredit you?  What was your response?

4) If someone was to come to you today and share a God idea they had but were afraid to attempt, based on your past experience with God, what would you say to them?

Don't forget to fill out your Life Group Leader Report form found here

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Questions for week March 3rd-9th

Changing your World in 52 Days
Defeating Discouragement

1) Just for fun, if you could have any super power, what would it be and why?

If you are having life group for the first time since beginning this sermon series, we encourage you to go back through some of the questions from the past two messages to set a foundation.

2) This week’s takeaway was this, Our greatest opposition will not come because we are doing something wrong, it will come because we are doing something right.  How does this help or hinder you when moving forward with trying to change your world?

3) When doing something great discouragement can come to you in two ways, through daily Challenges and Criticism from others.  How have you handled each of these when they came your way?  Which one is harder for you to grow through and why?

4) Discouragement will come from without, but it will also come from within.  What do your inner voices say to you when taking steps to change your world? (Ex: you could never accomplish this because you are too young, you don't have enough money, etc.)  

5) One way to fight back when those negative thoughts rise up is to remember the greatness of God.  What great things has God done for you in the past that encourages you in your present?

6) Another way to fight back is to remember it is not about you.  Whose life will you be impacting when changing your world in 52 days?  Let that keep you in the game!

Don’t forget to fill out your Life Group Leader Report found here.