Strapped Part 2
Flip the Script
1) Just for fun, What’s
in your wallet- is there anything unique you keep in your wallet?
If you have not met since the Strapped series began, you may
want to scroll down to the questions from the first two messages and go through
some of them as well.
2) Even though we trust God with our eternal soul, why do
you feel it is so difficult for us to trust God with our temporal money?
3) Can you share a time in your life where you trusted God
with your finances (moved Him up on your list of priorities and gave to Him
first) and He in turn blessed you with incredible blessings?
4) Knowing that our money is an indicator of our hearts, how
do you feel about your heart? What are
some of the steps you are going to take improve how you feel?
5) What is your greatest advice concerning money?
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