Hard 2 Love
Part 1
Needy Ned
Acts 3
1) Just for fun: What famous person have you been told you look like?
2) Although this series is about the people in our lives
that are hard to love, at some time in our lives, though, we were the one that
was hard to love. When taking a look at
yourself, what is it about you that would make others have a hard time loving
you (Ex. Maybe you have been judgmental, unsympathetic, don’t take anything
seriously, hard for someone to get close relationally close to, etc.)
3) If you have grown through and overcame the issue you named in
the previous question, when it comes to others that deal with the same thing
you did, how do you respond to them? Are
you sympathetic, encourage to them, able to connect with them because you get them,
4) What is your natural reaction when you come in contact
with emotionally needy people?
5) When thinking about some of the needy people in your
life, what is it that they really want
(Ex. attention, love, acceptance, etc.)?
What is it that that person really needs? How can you help them get that need met?
6) Real love doesn't always come to the rescue, sometimes
real love allows for the results. How are you with stepping aside and allowing
the ones you love to experience consequences for their actions? Share a time
that was most difficult for you?
End your time with your Life Group praying for God to help you connect the “Needy Neds” in your life to the one who can change theirs.
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