Sunday, August 25, 2013

Questions for week August 25th - 31st

Hard 2 Love
Part 1
Needy Ned
Acts 3

1) Just for fun: What famous person have you been told you look like?

2) Although this series is about the people in our lives that are hard to love, at some time in our lives, though, we were the one that was hard to love.  When taking a look at yourself, what is it about you that would make others have a hard time loving you (Ex. Maybe you have been judgmental, unsympathetic, don’t take anything seriously, hard for someone to get close relationally close to, etc.)

3) If you have grown through and overcame the issue you named in the previous question, when it comes to others that deal with the same thing you did, how do you respond to them?  Are you sympathetic, encourage to them, able to connect with them because you get them, etc.?

4) What is your natural reaction when you come in contact with emotionally needy people?

5) When thinking about some of the needy people in your life, what is it that they really want (Ex. attention, love, acceptance, etc.)?  What is it that that person really needs?  How can you help them get that need met?

6) Real love doesn't always come to the rescue, sometimes real love allows for the results. How are you with stepping aside and allowing the ones you love to experience consequences for their actions? Share a time that was most difficult for you?

End your time with your Life Group praying for God to help you connect the “Needy Neds” in your life to the one who can change theirs.

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report found here.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Questions for week August 18th - 24th

Shipwrecks and Snakebites
Acts 23

1) Just for fun: What are you most fearful of (Ex: snakes, spiders, green frogs, etc.)?

2) Our take a way truth for this message was, God often uses our failures to create the path to our true purposes in life. What failures have you encountered that God has used to create a path to your true purpose?

3) Have you ever experienced a detour in life; something that was not part of your life plan? How has God used that to create amazing purpose in your life?

4) Do you see a difference in your life when you live dependently on God than when you are living dependently on yourself or others?  What difference do you see and experience? What can you do daily to stay dependent on God?

5) The longer you wait the more you appreciate. Have you ever waiting for something that after the wait was over you appreciated it more than you would have if it would have come fast and easy?

Thank you for filling out the Life Group Leader Report form located here.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Questions for week Aug 11th - 17th

Wild Goose Chase
Part 4
The gifts that Keep on Giving

 1) Just for fun: What was your first job?

(You can go back and go through some of the Wild Goose Chase questions that have posted since your last Life Group meeting and ask them in addition to the ones below.)

2) Have you ever experienced a time where the Holy Spirit empowered you to believe for, or accomplish, a task to0 great for you to accomplish in your on? 

3) Of the 5 Myths of the Gifts of the Spirit listed below, are there any that you ever believed were facts and not myths?
-Spiritual gifts are not natural talents 
-Spiritual gifts are not for an elite few
-Spiritual gifts are not signs of spiritual maturity 
-Spiritual gifts are not the same as the fruits of the spirit
-Spiritual gifts are not something to fear

4) Of the 7 Spiritual Gifts listed below, which one(s) do you know you possess?
-Serving others
-Leadership Ability

5) What has been your greatest revelation in regards to the Holy Spirit through the series Wild Goose Chase?

Thank you for filling out the Life Group Leader report located here

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Questions for week August 4th - 10th

2 Corinthians 5:16-17

Jay’s Takeaway: 
Every new day reminds us we are NEW.

1) What’s one idea from the message that really stood out to you? Why did this idea grab your attention?

2) How have you been forever changed by Christ?

3) Describe a time when you didn’t feel new. What do you think caused your feeling?

4) What are some of the hurts you’ve been healed from?

5) What are some of the habits you’ve been freed from?

6) What does new life in Christ mean to you and feel like for you?

7) Are there any habits that you currently struggle with that you need help with? If so, if you are comfortable sharing them, what are they? 

8) What’s one story of life change at our church that you’ve found to be the most inspirational to you? 

9) What’s one thing you will do this week as a result of something you learned from this message?

Thank you for filling out the Life Group Leader Report found here.