Sunday, June 29, 2014

Questions for week June 29th - July 5th

Unfortunately we were unable to have questions for Scott Fletcher's message due to the nature of the sermon.

You can scroll down though and go over Pastor Mark's message from the previous Sunday regarding the voice of God.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Questions for week June 22nd - 28th

Part 3
4 Ways God Speaks to Us
Job 33:14 (NLT)
Proverbs 3:5-6 (Message)

1) Just for Fun: What is your favorite Summer activity?

2) In what ways have you experienced God clearly speaking to you? How did you know it was God?

3) Pastor Mark suggested 3 ways to make reading your Bible an indispensable part of your day: Get an easy to read translation, Create consistent time to read it, Expect God to speak to you. What are some of the ways that has helped you incorporate reading the Bible into your normal routine?

4) One of the ways God speaks to us is through gifted communicators. Can you remember a message you once heard that impacted your life in a great way? Who was the communicator and what was it that he said that impacted you so much?

5) Most of our brilliant ideas in life were not from us, but from God. Can you share an idea or an impression you have received that you know was from God?

6) The last way Pastor Mark mentioned that God can speak to us was through our pain. Proverbs 20:30 says, "Sometimes it takes a painful experience to make us change our ways." Have you ever experienced this in your life? In what ways did the pain change you?

7) What was your greatest take-a-way from Part 3 of Voices?

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report found here.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Questions for week June 15th - 21st

Man Up
Mark Hubbard

Voices Part 2

1) Just for fun: What was the best Father's Day gift you ever gave or ever received?

2) Pastor Mark Hubbard shared, Growing healthy relationships are intentional never accidental. How have you been intentional in creating healthy relationships? Or how have you noticed others doing the same?

3) Read Proverbs 16:24 in a few translations. How do you use your words to create positive cycles? How have positive words from others served you well?

4) One of the greatest needs of a man is respect. Read Ephesians 5:33. How can a wife or a child respect their husband or dad? What would you say to someone who says their husband is not deserving of their respect? 

5) Was there something about Pastor Mark Hubbard's message that really hit home for you?

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report form found here.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Questions for week June 8th - 14th

Invitation to Intimacy
Pastor David Pleasant

1) Just for Fun: What are your summer vacation plans?

2) What does the phrase Intimacy with God mean to you?  

3) What are some of the things that may hinder intimacy with God? (Trust issues, fear, guilt, etc.) Is intimacy with God something you struggle with or have struggled with? How have you began to over come that struggle?

4) Pastor David shared, What God touches, He changes. What area of your life has God recently touched allowing for change to take place?

5) What in the message impacted you the most and why?

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report found here.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Questions for week June 1st - 7th

You and Me
Part 5
Fight Night

1) Just for Fun: Finish this sentence, "Before I arrived today, I had to…"

Feel free to scroll down and go through some of the questions from the previous You and Me messages as well as these.

2)  If you had to define “marriage,” what words would you use?  What makes marriage unique and different from any other human relationship? 

3) The key to any great relationship is not necessary communication, but right communication. How have you learned to better communicate in your relationships with your spouse, family and/or friends?

4) Males and females often have different communication styles. Have you found this true? How do you work through the challenges this can bring?   

5) Read James 1:19-21 
Of the three things James instructs us to do, Be quick to listen, Slow to speak and Slow to get angry, which one comes more natural to you? Which one is more difficult for you? 

6) Which of the self appointed positions have you been in the past? How have you grown past being one of these?
The Judge
The Professor
The Historian
The Dictator
The Critic
The Preacher

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report found here.