Sunday, August 31, 2014

Questions for week Aug 31st - Sept 6th

The Beginning of Spiritual Growth
Guest Speaker- Bob Franquiz

1) Just for Fun: What do you plan to do, or what did you do, on your Labor Day weekend?

Read Luke 8:4-15

2) Life is full of challenges. What would you say was the biggest challenge you have had to face in life? How did that challenge change you?

3) Do you know someone who was like the Uninterested Believer? How are you planting, or how can someone plant, good seeds into their life?

Do you remember being like the Uninterested Believer? What was it that made the difference for you and caused you to be an Interested Believer?

4) Is there something that is a blessing in your life that you can see if you are not careful, you could allow it to take priority over God in your life? Have you seen this happen in someone else's life? What was the outcome?

5) We have all gone through a winter season in life; a time when things were dark and grey. Although we could not see it, God was deepening our roots to bear much fruit in the spring. When was a time in your life can you look back and now see God growing you in the winter and what fruit did it produce for you?  How difficult was your winter for you? What caused you to stay in the game? How would you encourage someone else who is going through a dark season right now?

6) What about this sermon by Pastor Bob ministered to you the most?

As you close your time with your group, pray for them that God would allow them to continually grow spiritually so that they always bear much fruit.

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report found here.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Questions for week Aug 24th - 30th

Sweet Dreams
Part 1
The Fear Fight

1) Just for Fun: When you were a kid, what frightened you the most?

2) Why are children afraid of the dark? (Because of shadows; because they can’t see their parents anymore; because everything takes on a different look when the lights are out.)

3) What creates fear in people’s lives? (Bad experiences; they are taught to be afraid of things by parents or friends; pressure to succeed.)

4) What are some of your greatest fears? (Getting fired; death; losing my family; getting cancer; nuclear attack.)

5) How have you dealt with your fears in the past? (I work extra hours and stay busy to try to cover them up; I drink; I chew my fingernails; I talk about them.)

6) How can fear be negative to us? (Can lead to bad habits that try to mask our feelings; can make it so we aren’t really living life; can control us and make us nervous, anxious people.)

7) How can fear be positive for us? (Can motivate us to do well; help us to deal with hard things in life; protect us from danger.)

8) Of the four things Pastor Mark shared about how to grow your faith and fight your fear, which one has helped you the most in the past when dealing with your fear? Which one do you need to do more of?

1. Recognize God everyday
2. Rely on His power
3. Remind yourself that God has a plan
4. Rest in His protection

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report Form found here.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Questions for week Aug 17th - 23rd

Pray Bold

1) Just for fun: What’s the silliest prayer you’ve ever prayed or heard someone else pray?

2) Bold prayers honor God and God honors bold prayers was one of our take-away truths for this message. What are some of the boldest prayers you have ever prayed? Have you seen them answered or are you still believing for God to honor them?

3) What’s the most amazing thing you’ve seen happen through prayer in your own life or someone else’s?

Read Luke 18:1-8

4) Describe the judge in this parable. What do we know about his motivations? (18:2, 4-5)

5) Describe the widow. What makes her tick? Why do you think she is so persistent? (18:3)

6) What is the stated purpose why Jesus told this parable? (18:1)

7) What kinds of things can happen that cause us to lose hope, and lose any heart to pray consistent and believing prayers? How can we get out of these "pits"?

8) What is this parable saying to you personally? What disciple-lesson are you taking away from this?

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report Form found here

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Questions for week August 10th - 16th

Fight for Passion

1) Just for Fun: If you could invent one thing that would solve a problem what would it be?

2) Who is the most passionate person you know? What is it that fuels their passion in your opinion? What can you learn from this person?

3) What have been some of the passion igniters in your life? What gets you excited to Love God, Love People and Serve Others?

4) Do you relate to any of the 6 Passion Killers: Unbalanced Schedule, Unused Talent, Unconfessed Sin, Unresolved Conflict, Unsupported Lifestyle, or an Unclear Purpose? If so, which one(s)?

5) What are some practical things you can do, or have done, to increase your spiritual passion?

Finish with prayer focused around the discussion that has emerged. Here a few things to pray for.

  1. For Clarity of Purpose.
  2. Pray for people to hear God's call afresh to their lives. Ask that He would renew their sense of purpose and mission. Pray that they might really know that they are called with a holy calling. It's time to dream again and get some vision clarity.
  3. Pray that the Spirit of God would ignite each person with fresh passion for fulfilling their purpose.
Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report Form found here.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Questions for week August 3rd - 9th

Made for More
Part 5
Making a Plan that Works

1) Just for Fun: What's one thing you wanted to do this Summer but have not had the chance to do yet?

You can scroll down and go through some of the questions from the past 4 weeks of Made for More along with these.

Read Leviticus 27:30 and Malachi 3:10 to your group in a couple different translations. is a great website to look up verses of scripture.

2) Do you think God really 'needs' our money? Why or why not?

3) What is the point in tithing? In other words, what do you think God really wants from us through our giving of tithes?

4) What are some of the reasons you have heard as to why people didn't tithe?

5) Can you recall a time when you experienced God's crazy math and saw Him provide for you in unexpected ways after you had been faithful to give to Him first?

6) Do you think God still expects you to tithe even through financial hardships or rough economic times?

7) What has been your greatest lesson that you have learned through this series Made for More?

End your time together praying that God would strengthen your group members in obedience and give them the courage to be generous with their tithes and offerings, especially of this is all new to them.

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report found here.