Cozy with the Crooks
Robby Rassel
1) Just for Fun: What was a highlight of your Thanksgiving?
2) When was a time someone invited themselves over to something? (Or a time when you did?)
3) Zacchaeus couldn't see Jesus because of the crowds. What are some ways that people keep those who don't know Jesus from experiencing Jesus?
4) How can you live in a way that opens a clear path for people to see Jesus?
5) Robby made the comment, "When we're not full of awe we start to become awful." When was the last time you were in complete awe of Jesus and all he's done?
6) What are some things you can do to increase your "awe" of Jesus?
7) Zacchaeus had an encounter with Jesus that changed everything. Think back to a time (or times) when Jesus has done something in you that changed everything for you. What was one of those times?
8) We tend to try and find fulfillment all on our own by chasing all sorts of things. Are there things in your life that you chase more than Jesus?
9) Jesus seeks and saves, no matter the crook. He sought and saved us. Who in your life is someone who you know needs Jesus that you can invite to church to experience Jesus?
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