Sunday, November 30, 2014

Questions for week Nov 30th - Dec 6th

Cozy with the Crooks
Robby Rassel

1) Just for Fun: What was a highlight of your Thanksgiving?

2) When was a time someone invited themselves over to something? (Or a time when you did?)

3) Zacchaeus couldn't see Jesus because of the crowds. What are some ways that people keep those who don't know Jesus from experiencing Jesus?

4) How can you live in a way that opens a clear path for people to see Jesus?

5) Robby made the comment, "When we're not full of awe we start to become awful." When was the last time you were in complete awe of Jesus and all he's done?

6) What are some things you can do to increase your "awe" of Jesus?

7) Zacchaeus had an encounter with Jesus that changed everything. Think back to a time (or times) when Jesus has done something in you that changed everything for you. What was one of those times?

8) We tend to try and find fulfillment all on our own by chasing all sorts of things. Are there things in your life that you chase more than Jesus?

9) Jesus seeks and saves, no matter the crook. He sought and saved us. Who in your life is someone who you know needs Jesus that you can invite to church to experience Jesus? 

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report found here.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Questions for week Nov 23rd - 29th

Part 4
Conspiracy of Kindness

1) Just for Fun: What food do you look forward to enjoying the most at Thanksgiving?  Do you and your family have any Thanksgiving traditions?

Feel free to scroll down and go through previous #dogood questions from Parts 1-3 as well as these.

2) Pastor Mark shared the story about Herbert Hoover and how in Finland, to Hoover means to be kind or to offer assistance and support, to be benevolent. If people were to make a verb out of your last name, what would you want it’s definition to be? 

3) Who is the most generous person you know in the world today? Why would you describe them in this way? 

4) Most people say that if they win the lottery they will be more generous but statistically this just isn’t true. Why do you think so? 

5) What idea, phrase, scripture, or story from Sunday’s message has changed your understanding of generosity? In what way has your understanding been changed?

6) What is something you can do this next week to plant Gospel seeds?

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report found here.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Questions for week Nov 16th-22nd

We had a guest speaker on the 16th. Due to not having access to his notes prior to him speaking we were unable to write questions for #Part3.

You can discuss the message and you can also click here and here to go over through the questions for the first 2 messages of our Do Good series.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Questions for week Nov 9th - 15th

Part 2
Matthew 5:13

1) Just for fun: Have you began your Christmas shopping? Are you last minute kind of shopper? Do you have a strategy when it comes to Christmas shopping?

2) Read Acts 10:38. How differently would your day look if everywhere you went you were intentionally doing good?

3) At the Sermon on the Mount Jesus introduces the Beatitudes, or the attitudes that should be (Matthew 5:1-9). Read these verses together and reflect on these questions.
-What is an attitude?
-Are attitudes good, bad or both?
-Who has attitudes?
-Are attitudes a choice?
-Why do you think our attitudes are important as followers of Christ?
-Who is someone you know with a bad attitude that you know? How do the affect those around them?
-Who is someone with a great attitude that you know? How do they affect those around them?

4) Each of the beatitudes has two parts: part one begins, "Blessed are..." and part two begins "for they..."  The second part of each of these beatitudes grows out of the first part. Some of the beatitudes seem to make sense and fit into our worldview, others do not. Identify one of the beatitudes that makes sense to you (in other words, one in which you think that part two grows naturally out of part one). Explain what you believe Jesus is communicating in the is beatitude and why it makes sense to you.

5) Some of the beatitudes seem almost backwards. Identify one of the beatitudes that does not seem to make sense (in other words, part two does not seem to grow naturally out of part one.) What do you think Jesus is trying to communicate through this seemingly backwards statement?

6) Read Matthew 5:13.
-Describe some of the ways we use salt?
-What are some of the qualities salt possesses?
-How can the ways salt is used and the qualities it possesses translate to the qualities we have as followers of Christ?
-How do you think your attitude affects your "saltiness"?

7) Every time we do good and live out the love, we are telling the world, "Jesus is real and He really cares about you." Think of some ways as a live group that you can be salt to the world. Maybe plan to adopt a family in need you know about at Christmas time to bless with food and gifts. Or get together to pack your Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report form found here.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Questions for week Nov 2nd - 8th

Do Good
Part 1
The Right Kind of Rich
1 Timothy

1) Just for Fun: What did you do this past Halloween? Did you go Trick-or-Treating? Spend time with family? Serve on Main Street?

Read 1 Timothy 6:17-19

2) Paul instructs Timothy to tell the rich to not be proud with wealth. How can your identity be wrapped up in wealth? Or asked another way,  the clothes you wear, the stuff you own, and the status of your bank account sends a message you yourself and others. What's the message you are sending?

3) Paul also says, do not trust in wealth. How do you trust in your wealth to gain a sense of security? Do you think you have enough wealth? Why or why not?

4) Paul continues to say, trust in God instead.  What do you think that looks like in real life- to trust God more than money? Use real illustrations from your life if you can.

5) What is the purpose of money in these verses?

6) According to verse 19, how does a person "experience true life" (New Living Translation?

7) What are some of the ways God has used you to do good works in the past?

8) Discuss some ways that your life group can #dogood this month as a life group.  We would love to here your ideas on our Life Group Facebook page.

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report Form found here.