Sunday, December 6, 2015

Questions for week Dec 6th - 12th

White Flag

1) Just for Fun: What is the one Christmas movie you just have to watch during the holidays?

2) What thoughts come to your mind when you hear the word surrender?  Do you feel the word is a negative word or a positive word and why?

3) In point #1, The Problem of the partially surrendered life, Pastor Mark posed these questions… What have I not fully surrendered to Christ? What area of my life do I still try to constantly control? What area do I consistently resist giving to God?  When pondering the answers to these questions concerning your own life, why do you feel is it difficult to fully surrender that area of your life?

4) Read Psalm 3:5-6 then answer the following questions:

  • Why is it difficult for you to trust God, His word and His power, rather than your own understanding and strength?
  • What helps you to trust God, His word and His power?
  • What does it mean to acknowledge God and He will make your paths straight? What does it mean to walk by faith? What’s hard about this? What makes it easier? 

5) God does not give us laws and instructions to bind and limit us.  He gives us these things to liberate us.  Share something in your life that you fully surrendered to God that resulted in you walking in true freedom.

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report form found here.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Questions for week Nov 29th - Dec 5th

This is How we Change the World 

Spiritual Contributors > Spiritual Consumers

1) Just for Fun: What makes you get in the Christmas spirit?

2) Italian Friar Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the Gospel at ALL times and, when necessary, use words.” 
  • How does this quote challenge you? 
  • How is serving one way of “preaching the Gospel?”
  • Which do you feel is more important, telling people about Jesus with words or serving them with actions?

3) Tell about a time when someone thought of you and served you instead of themselves. 

  • How did that blessing affect you?
  • Who was it that blessed you? Did you get a chance to thank them or bless them back? 
  • Was God glorified as you received a blessing from someone who humbled themselves to serve you? 
4) Throughout Jesus’ ministry, what type of people did he minister to, heal and serve?
  • What does that say about whom we should serve?
  • Why is it easier to serve some people than others?
5) What are some of your strongest talents and gifts? What makes you unique?
  • Read 1 Corinthians 12:7-12
  • Do you believe that our strengths and talents come from God?
  • According to verses 7,  why do we have spiritual gifts?
As you close your time together, think of some ways you can serve others this Christmas season as a life group. And if someone in your group is interested in serving at CCA, point them to the Serving tab our website for their next step.

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report Form found here.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Questions for week Nov 22nd - 28th

This is How We Change the World
Whatever it takes to Get them to Jesus

1) Just for Fun: Do you have a Thanksgiving tradition? If so, what is it?

2) Share one of your first memories of being in a church building.

3) Read Matthew 28:18-20, known as the Great Commission. How do you feel you fit in with the Great Commission? Is it something you struggle to understand?

4) How has attending CCA changed your life, family, relationships and walk with God?

5) What impacted you the most from this sermon?

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report form found here.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Questions for week Nov 15th - 21st

In the Dirt
Pastor Robby Rassel

Just for fun:
  • Thanksgiving is right around the corner. What do you have planned? Any family traditions?
  • Robby told a story about getting stuck in the mud. Has anyone ever been mudding before and got stuck in the mud?
(Go back and read the story from Sunday found in John 8:1-11)

1. One of the takeaways from Sunday was God’s great grace is greater than my many mistakes. How would you define grace? 

2. One way of defining God’s grace is that we get what we DON’T deserve (Christ!). How do you think that should effect the way we live our lives?

3. In the story of the woman caught in adultery, it says Jesus got down and wrote in the dust. What do you think he wrote?

4. Our dirt doesn't detour Jesus. What does that statement mean to you?

5. Jesus doesn't tell us to clean ourselves up before we come to him. He invites us to come just as we are. How should this effect the way we reach out to other people?

6. Jesus loves us just like we are, but he loves us too much to allow us to stay just like we are. Jesus wants to change us from the inside out to be more like Him. What area of your life do you feel like you need to surrender fully over to Jesus?

Thank you for filing out your Life Group Leader Report Form found here.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Questions for week November 8th - 14th

Game Changing Generosity
This is How we Change the World Part 2

1) Just for fun: Have you began your Christmas shopping? Are you last minute kind of shopper? Do you have a strategy when it comes to Christmas shopping?

2) Who is the most generous person you know in the world today? Why would you describe them in this way? 

3) Most people say that if they win the lottery they will be more generous but statistically this just isn’t true. Why do you think so? 

4) Read Genesis 12:2 and Proverbs 22:9. When you seek to be a blessing, you receive the blessing. 
  • What could God do in our Life Group, in our church if each one of us invested our time, ability, money into blessing others?
  • Is there someone or some family that we can bless as a Life Group? 
5) What idea, phrase, scripture, or story from Sunday’s message has changed your understanding of generosity? In what way has your understanding been changed?

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report Form found here.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Questions for week Nov 1st - 7th

This is How we Change the World
High Octane Faith

1) Just for fun: Tis the season for everything pumpkin, especially pumpkin pie! If you were a pie, which one would you be and why?

2) Read 2 Chronicles 16:9.

  • What is the prerequisite for God to show His strength and might through someone?
  • How has God shown His strength though you lately? 
3) God wants to do GREAT things through us. What are some of the hinderances to this in our lives?
How do we overcome those hinderances?

4) Read Mark 6:5-6 and Luke 7:7-9. Jesus was amazed by their lack of faith in Mark and amazed by their great faith in Luke. Who is someone you know that you are amazed by their great faith? How does their great faith affect the people around them? 

5) There are 3 faith filled facts found in Hebrews:
-You cannot always play it safe and please God
-As long as you have a  guarantee, you don't have faith
-To step towards your destiny, you will have to step away from your security 
Of these three, which one impacted you the most when you heard it?

6) In what ways would your future look different if you decided to step out in faith toward your destiny today?

End your time together praying for God to help you and your group live a life pleasing to God filled with audacious faith!

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report Form found here

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Questions for week Oct 25th - 31st

This is Only a Test

1) Just for Fun: Did you Trick or Treat as a kid, and if so, what was your favorite Halloween costume?

2) Define “joy” by answering the following-

  • How is “joy” distinct from “happiness” (see 2 Cor 6:10,7:4-6)?
  • What is the opposite of “joy”?
  • Notice that “joy” in verse 2 is linked to “faith” in verse 3. What must we choose to believe if we are to “consider trials joy”?
  •  Summary: based on your answers, define “joy” in your own words.
3) Why should we rejoice when we face trials?

  • What reasons does James give in this passage (1:2-8,12)?
  • What other reasons are given in these cross-references: Romans 5:3-4; James 5:10- 11; 1 Peter 1:6-9? 
4) James exhorts us to ask God for wisdom to apply 1:2-4, but to ask “in faith without any doubting.” What exactly does it mean to ask in faith instead of in “doubt”? Hints: (1) the Greek word “doubt” literally means “to divide, separate;” (2) notice how James describes the doubter in 1:8 as “double-minded.” 

What effect does doubt have on you when you pray? (1:6-8) What doubts have you struggled with concerning God?

5) How have you seen your faith grow as a result of tests and trials in your life?

6) How have you been able to use your growth to help others going through similar situations?

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report form found here.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Questions for week Oct 18th - 25th

When the Dream Runs Out

1) Just for fun: What is the most memorable moment you experienced at a wedding? 

2) What emotions do you go through when a dream in your life has yet to come to fruition? Do you find yourself wanting to give up, or fight harder?

3) Wedding time-

  • What makes weddings so special?
  • What can make weddings a difficult time?
  • Why do people want their wedding to be perfect?
4) Read John 2:1-11

If you had been one of the servants how would you have felt about Jesus?  

The servants did not know they were taking wine to the master, how would you have felt if you were carrying what you thought was water to the master of the banquet?
The servants willingly took the water to the master, what does this say about them?
What do you think the servants thought when they heard that the water they brought had miraculously been turned into wine?

5) Why is it significant in your life that Jesus turned water into wine? (A possible answer- It shows He cares about things important to people)

6) The master of the banquet said the bridegroom had saved the best wine until last, what does this say about the miracle Jesus performed? What hope does this give you when looking for your own miracle?

7) Read Galatians 6:7-9. What could cause us to become weary of doing good? How can we stay the course?

End your time praying for God to help the members of your group stay the course and not grow weary while waiting for their miracle. 

Thank yo for filling out your Life Group Leader Report form found here.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Questions for week Oct 11th - 17th

The Secret to Better Decisions

1) Just for fun: Halloween is fast approaching... Did you trick or treat as a child? If so, what is one of your favorite or funny memories of trick or treating?

2) You may have never sold a record company that ended up selling lots of records or turned down a staring role in a movie that went on to make lots of money. But has there been an opportunity in your life you did not take because you didn't think it was good, but in the end it would have been way better than you ever imagined?  What did that experience teach you? Or have you done the opposite, have you ever made a decision that ended up being better than you ever imagined?

3) Solomon's sacrifice of 1,000 animals was extravagant and was rewarded extravagantly. What has been your greatest sacrifice in life that has reaped you the greatest rewards?

4) We read in Proverbs 4:7, “Getting wisdom is the most important thing you can do.  Whatever else you get, get insight.”  How would you instruct someone if they asked you, “How do I gain more wisdom?”

5) Look up other verses on wisdom and share with the group how they speak to you.

6) What is the wisest thing someone ever taught you?  What are some of the wise things you try to teach with others (kids, students, friends, etc.)?

7) Wisdom changes the game. In what ways has your life been changed because of wisdom?

Don't forget to fill out the Life Group Leader Report Form here.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Questions for week Oct 4th - 10th

It’s Just A Phase, So Don’t Miss It
Caleb Carmichael

1) Just for fun: What was one of your favorite vacations growing up?

2) In the sermon, Caleb identified 13 phases from birth through adulthood: 0-1, 1 and 2, 3 and 4, Kindergarten and First, Second and Third, Fourth and Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth and 18+.  If you’re a parent, what was/is your favorite phase. If you aren’t a parent, what was your favorite phase growing up?

3) Out of the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, which do you find the most difficult to live out? Why?

4) Which of the fruits of the Spirit do you find easiest to live out? Why?

5) In Joshua 24, his final words to the Israelites were, “…As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” What does it mean to ‘serve’ God? What are some distractions to serving Him?

Thank you for filling out the Life Group Leader Report Form found here.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Questions for week Sept 27th - Oct 3rd

I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
Baptism Sunday

1) Just for fun: What is one food you never want to taste again?

2) Misconceptions about baptism are common in church. Have any of these misconceptions about baptism been a part of your thinking? And was there something in your past that led you to think that way?

  • Baptism as a way to wash away sin.
  • Baptism administered to infants.
  • Baptism as a means of salvation.
  • Baptism by some other method than immersion.
  • Baptism prior to genuine conversion.
  • Baptism for the dead.
  • Baptism is not very significant. 

3) Read Matthew 28:18-20. 

  • Why do you think baptism is part of our mandate to make disciples and teach them to observe Jesus’ commandments? 
  • What would you say to someone who claims to be a follower of Christ yet has no intension of being baptized? 

4) Read Romans 6:3-11. 
  • How many times do these verses reference “death”? 
  • Who’s death? How is dying symbolic of our conversion to Christ? 
  • What dies when we are saved? What do you do with an old man who dies? 
  • How does baptism picture this process? 

5) If you have been baptized, share your baptism story. (If someone has never been baptized, encourage them to pray about taking part in our next Baptism Service in September.)

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report form here.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Questions for week Sept 20th - 26th

Part 4
Difficult People & Damaged Relationships

1) Just for Fun: If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

2) Read 1 Samuel 24:1-12 

  • Read vs 1-3 again and imagine you were in the cave with David – what would you have said to him and why? 
  • What do you attribute David's sensitivity to here (v5)? (The message translation said David was overwhelmed with guilt)

3)  In what ways ought Christians to be "conscience stricken" even over light matters today? How does this contrast to the way the world tends to react to everyday situations? Discuss some examples.

4)  Read vs. 8-15. What did David say to Saul as an explanation for his refusal to seek revenge? Did he have to respond this way? Why or why not?

5) David’s response softened Saul. (See Prov. 15:1 for why). Read vs. 16- 22 and discuss how God has softened those bent on harming you because of your “gentle answer”.

6) What does Saul’s response tell you about the tension and conflict that existed in his own soul? What would Saul have had to do to repent completely? How has God changed your heart through the gentleness of others?

7) Think of an example in your own life where God was simply calling you to trust in him and not take matters into your own hands. How did you work that out and how did it make you feel? 

Close out this time praying for those you work or live with who have perhaps made life hard on you. Then, consider how your response to them could bring about a change! 

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report Form found here.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Questions for week Sept 13th - 20th

Sabotage Part 3
Word Bombs

1) Just for fun: When is the last time you remember getting in trouble for using a “bad word”?

2) Read Proverbs 18:21. What does this verse mean when it says that death and life are in the power of the tongue?

3) How have you seen your words affect your actions or beliefs?

4) Read Ephesians 4:29
How have you been affected by life-giving and life-taking words spoken to you?

5) In what situations do you find it most difficult to speak life-giving words to yourself or others?

6) How do words connect us to God?  How do words connect us to each other?

7) What are some words that you would like to “trash” from your vocabulary? How can the others in this group hold you accountable for your speech?

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report form found here.