Sunday, February 22, 2015

Questions for week Feb 22nd - 28th

He Said She Said
Part 3
Leading from the Heart

1) Just for Fun: Are you a morning person or a night person? If you are married, how does this effect your marriage?

If time allows, we encourage you to  go through some of the questions from Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

2) Read Genesis 3:1-9

It's interesting that God does not make a statement or a demand, but asks a question. What does this tell us about God and how he wishes to relate to us?  

How could asking questions instead of making statements or demands help your relationships and marriage?

3) Most often in marriages you will find that the husband and wife have many differences because opposites really do attract. What are some of the differences you have discovered between you and your mate. How have these differences caused friction? How have these differences actually helped your marriage?

4) If you are a husband, which of the four ways you can encourage your wife do you feel you excel at? Which is the most difficult for you?  

Thank you for filling our your Life Group Leader Report form found here.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Questions for week Feb 15th - 21st

He Said She Said
Part 2
Reconcilable Differences

1) Just for fun: Have you ever attended a wedding where something funny or unexpected happened?

If time allows, we encourage you to scroll down and go through the questions from Part 1 as well as the ones below for Part 2.

Also, be mindful of the people in your group who may not be currently married or dating. They have input when it comes to the questions too because most likely they have been in a relationship and understand issues that come along in relationships. So make sure to include them.

2) If you are married or dating, how are you both different? How have your differences shaped and impacted your relationship- whether for better or for worse?

3) Is forgiveness the same as forgetfulness? Why or why not? Can you forgive and not forget? What does it take for you to move beyond conflicts and get on with life?

4) Have you ever looked to your spouse or significant other to fulfill you and meet your all expectations? If so, how did that go?

5) We need to learn to maximize the good in our mate and minimize the bad. What are some of the good qualities your mate possesses that you really appreciate?

Thank you for filling our your Life Group Leader Report form found here.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Questions for week Feb 8th - 14th

He Said She Said
Part 1
Making It Stick

1) Just for fun: Have you ever attended a wedding where something funny or unexpected happened?

2) Growing up, did you see lifelong commitments modeled in your family? How has your experience affected your view of marriage? 

3) If you had to define marriage, what words would you use?  What makes marriage unique and different from any other human relationship? 

4) All of us have faults and things others may not like about us. How have you learned to accept your mate even with their shortcomings? Be nice in your answers. :)

5) Is there a verse of scripture that has helped you in your marriage? Maybe you have had to forgive or love when you didn’t feel it and this verse helped you.

6) When you run into obstacles, roadblocks, or conflicts in your marriage -or any relationship-  what’s your default reaction?  Do you get angry?  Blame one another?  Shut down? Or do you look for ways to solve the problem and move forward?

7) Conflict, when handled appropriately, can actually strengthen a relationship.  Would you say the same thing about adversity and external pressures—for example, the loss of a job or the death of a close family member?  Have you ever experienced what it is like to grow closer to one another as the result of weathering a storm together?

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report Form found here.