Worship When I Go
Robby Rassel
Robby Rassel
1) Just for fun: Where is your favorite place to go on summer vacation?
2) Have you ever wanted something so bad, and when you got it, it wasn't anything what you thought it would be?
3) Worship isn't just an activity, it is our identity. The concept of worship is so much more than just singing on Sundays. It is ultimately honoring God with our lives EVERY day. What are some ways you have found in your own walk with Jesus that help you to worship him throughout the week?
4) There are 4 things we can do from reading Romans 12:1-2 that can help us to worship God every day. (Feel free to read Romans 12:1-2 in the message translation)
Which of these 4 do you struggle with the most?
Which one do you feel like you do the best?
a) Surrender our lives to him. (Offer our whole lives, every part, to Jesus).
b) Embrace what he has done for us. (Gods grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love).
c) Focus on Jesus above everything else. (Stay connected to Him).
d) Live it out every day to those around us! (We are salt and light).
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