Sunday, July 26, 2015

Questions for week July 26th - Aug 1st

Bold Obedience

1) Just for fun: If you could be in the movie of your choice, what movie would you choose and what character would you play?

2) How did God speak to you through this sermon?

3) Read Acts 5:18-29. In this passage we learn that bold obedience releases God’s power in our lives.  The Apostles were boldly obedient to preach the word and God used them to heal people, do miracles, and even set them free miraculously while in prison.  How has God unleashed His power in your life when you have stepped out in bold obedience?  Are there some areas where you are struggling with being obedient?

4) Many people believe that if you are obedient to God you will not face persecution or hard times, such as relationship problems, job loss, social persecution, or health problems.  But scripture plainly teaches this is not the case. Pastor Mark made this statement- When God gets ready to do something great through you, you can count on great opposition coming to you. How does that statement make you feel in light of what John 15:20-21 says?

5) Read Acts 5:27-29. The Apostles say it is better to please God than man.  Do you find this truth difficult to implement in your life?  For example, are you often disobeying God out of fear of what others may think?

6) The Apostles were able to be obedient because of their faith in God.  In contrast, we read in Hebrews 3:19 the people of Israel were not able to enter into God’s promise because of their unbelief which led to their disobedience.  Is unbelief preventing you from bold obedience to God?  If so in what way?

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report form found here.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Questions for week July 19th - 26th

Let it Be
Faith 101
Summer Concert Series

1) Just for Fun: What was the best family vacation you took as a kid?

2) Relational trust with God is the foundation of our faith. When it comes to trusting God in all things, how do you feel you would rank on a scale from 1-10 (1 being don't trust at all and 10 being completely trusting God)? Why did you chose your answer?

3) Read Ephesians 2:8-10 to your group-
“(8) God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. (9) Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. (10) For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us new in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

  • How would you define saved? Does every one mean the same thing when it is used? Give examples of this from your own experience.
  • List one to three of the greatest gifts you have ever received. What made them great gifts? God said this salvation is a ‘gift of God’ (Ephesians 2:8). What is Paul trying to stir up in our hearts and minds?
  • Read Ephesians 2:9. Paul again speaks about good works here. What does he say here in this verse. What is he so concerned about? What might people misunderstand about salvation?
  • Why might God want no one to be able to boast about what he has contributed to salvation?
  • According to Ephesians 2:10, who are we? What does this mean?
  • God says that He created us in Christ Jesus for good works. What does that mean? What might ‘good works’ include? 
  • Is He just interested in works?

4) Pastor Mark talked about some real enemies to our faith (Failure, Fear, and Feelings). Which one have caused you to struggle with your faith and why? Is there something that has helped you over come these enemies?

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report form found here

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Questions for week July 12th - 18th

Hold My Hand
The Power of a Church Family
Summer Concert Series

1) Just for Fun: What was your favorite vacation you took as a kid?

2) Read Romans 12:9-10 to your group- 
"Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other."

  • What does Paul say our love toward others should be like? (answers could include being sincere and genuine) What does that look like to you?
  • Why do you think Paul instructed us to "hold tightly to what is good"? 

3) Read John 13:34-35 to your group-

“Let me give you a new command: Love one another, in the same way I have loved you, love each other like that. This is how everyone will recognize that you are truly my disciples-when they see the love you have for each other.”
  • What do you think it means to love others as Jesus loved you?  
  • How is Jesus' love for you different than someone else's love for you?  
  • How is it different than your own love for yourself?
  • Before giving this command, Jesus had already demonstrated his love for his disciples by washing their feet. What do you think Jesus was thinking about as He washed Judas' feet?  What would you have been thinking about as you washed Judas' feet?
  • What kind of attitude is required for someone to serve other people?
  • Since we wear shoes and socks, we don't really wash each other's feet anymore.  What are some other simple ways you could serve other people?  
  • Question for individual reflection- Is there something you could do to serve someone else in this group?

4) Of the three things Pastor Mark talked about being repeated in the New Testament that make up the content of an authentic fellowship in a church (Love, Restoration, Encouragement), which one have you experienced personally the most at CCA? How can you take your experience and help someone experience the same thing in our fellowship?

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report form found here.


Sunday, July 5, 2015

Questions for week July 5th - 11th

Stand By Me
Summer Concert Series

1) Just for Fun: What is your favorite 4th of July memory?

2) Have you ever had an impossible relationship that has either been restored or is in process of being restored? What were the first steps you took toward healing?

3) Of the 7 instructional steps to healing impossible or broken relationships, which one is easiest for you to do?

1. Always talk with God before you talk to the person.
2. Be willing to take the initiative.
3. Focus on their feelings, not just the facts.
4. Confess your part of the conflict.
5. Assess and adjust your attitude.
6. Be willing to give up so the relationship can grow up.
7. Always strive more for reconciliation than resolution.

4) Which one of the steps listed above is the most difficult for you to do?

5) What was it that impacted you the most about the message Stand By Me?
Thank you for filling out the Life Group Leader report form found here.