Sunday, March 27, 2016

Questions for week March 27th - April 3rd

It’s Not Over Yet
Easter Sunday

1) Just for fun. Do you have any scars on your body and what are they from?

2) Read Luke 22:59-62
What happened when Peter denied Jesus the third time?
What caused Peter to remember Jesus’ earlier prediction?
What did Jesus do the third time Peter denied knowing Him?
Why was Peter so upset and bitter about his actions?
How did Peter respond to the realization that he had denied his Lord?

3) How did Peter respond to his failure when he denied Jesus? Read Mark 14:72. How did Judas respond to his failure when he betrayed Jesus? Read Matthew 27:3-6. What does this teach you about how you can choose to respond to failure in your life? How would you define true repentance?

4) Have you ever felt completely hopeless? Did you want to give up in that moment? What keep you in the game so to speak?

5) Read John 21:1-17
How does Peter answer Jesus’ question about loving him? How does Peter feel when he is asked the third time if he loves Jesus?
What is Jesus’ commission to Peter each time he answers that he loves Jesus?
What does Jesus mean when he tells Peter to “Feed my sheep?” Who are the sheep?
What has Jesus said about his sheep and how he cares for them? Read John 10:2-4, 10-11.
What will it look like for Peter to care for and feed Jesus’ sheep?

6) For those who love Jesus, what has he told them to do? Read John 21:15-17.

7) How did Peter live out the commission that Jesus had given to him? Read Acts 2:36-38; 3:1-10; 1 Peter 5:1-4.

8) What will it look like for you to take care of and provide for Jesus’ sheep as you live your life? Read John 13:34-35; 1 John 4:7-8.

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report Form found here.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Questions for week March 20th - 26th

Lost and Found
Purpose Driven Prayer

1) Just for Fun: What are your plans for Easter weekend? Do you have any traditions your family has kept over the years?

(Feel free to go through some of the other questions in our Lost and Found series)

2) This week we are praying for God encounters or opportunities for us to invite people to "come and see."  Share a time that you had a God encounter whether it was when someone invited you, or when you invited someone to "come and see."

3) Colossians 4:5-6 says, "Be wise in the way you act toward those who are not believers, making good use of every opportunity you have. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the correct response for everyone." 
       Was someone wise and gracious with you which lead you to be open to "coming and seeing" about this man named Jesus?

4) How has God changed your heart for the lost and the way you interact with them?

This is the last week before the biggest Sunday of the year that we have to opportunity to reach the lost. Close out your time praying for God to give everyone in your group wisdom, supernatural encounters and spiritual boldness as they invite this week. And pray for your pastors to make much of Jesus on Easter Sunday!

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report here

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Questions for week March 13th - 19th

Baptism and Communion Night

1) Just for Fun: Have you ever forgotten to set your clocks ahead or back an hour for Daylight Savings Time? If yes, were you late to work, church, etc.?

2) What has been your experience with communion in church prior to CCA (did you participate in it, understand it, etc.)?

3) If you knew you had only one last meal on this earth (as Jesus did at the Last Supper) whom would you spend that time with and what would you eat?

Read Luke 22:7-27

What dynamics take place during Christ's and the disciple's last meal together?

Obviously, the disciples didn't understand the importance of this night. They argued about who would be the greatest among them. Jesus tells them the greatest among them are the ones that take the lowest rank. Christ demonstrated an attitude of servanthood always. When it comes to serving others, do you feel you are more Christlike or more 'self'-like? In what ways can you become more of a server to others?

4) Do you feel you are putting God first in every area of your life? (You don't have to be specific with your answer)  Why do you fell you struggle with putting God first in this area?  How does focusing back on the Cross and Christ's death help us give every area of our life to Him? (Answers could be- Because of his death I don't have to be bond by this sin, addiction, etc...)

5) What is the greatest thing you are looking forward to in heaven? (Seeing loved ones that have gone before, etc.)

6) Misconceptions about baptism are common in church. Have any of these misconceptions about baptism been a part of your thinking? And was there something in your past that led you to think that way?

       Baptism as a way to wash away sin.
       Baptism administered to infants.
       Baptism as a means of salvation.
       Baptism by some other method than immersion.
       Baptism prior to genuine conversion.
       Baptism for the dead.
       Baptism is not very significant. 

7) Read Matthew 28:18-20. 

       Why do you think baptism is part of our mandate to make disciples and teach them to observe Jesus’ commandments? 
       What would you say to someone who claims to be a follower of Christ yet has no intension of being baptized? 

8) Read Romans 6:3-11. 
       How many times do these verses reference “death”? 
       Who’s death? How is dying symbolic of our conversion to Christ? 
       What dies when we are saved? What do you do with an old man who dies? 
       How does baptism picture this process? 

9) If you have been baptized, share your baptism story. (If someone has never been baptized, encourage them to pray about taking part in our next Baptism Service in July.)

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report form here.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Questions for week Mar 7th - 13th

Light it Up
Lost and Found
Part 2

1) Just for fun: Did your family have an Easter tradition when you were growing up? Or do you have an Easter tradition now?

2) Read Colossians 4:5-6. What commands are given in these two verses?

3) Many Christians believe, or act as if they should be separate from non-believers and only have relationships with those who profess to be Christians, but Paul presupposes in these verses that we will walk with non-believers. Is your life structured so that you have relationships with non-believers? How could you be more intentional in developing relationships with non- believers?

4) Read Matthew 5:14-16.
  • What are some of the purposes of light in every day life? (Ex. Helps you see, helps things grow, gives us energy, etc.)
  • Jesus is speaking to believers in these verses. What do you think he means by us being the light in this world?
  • How have you seen others be a light lately?

5) Pastor Mark shared 4 suggestions to help us connect others to Christ. Of the four listed below, which on do you find it easy for you to do? And which one do you find it more difficult to do?
-Listen to people’s stores
-Ask specific open-ended questions
-Pray for the people you work with and those you are trying to reach
-Connect and respond to people’s emotions

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report form found here.