I Love My Church
Serve Others
1) Just for fun: What is your favorite movie quote?
2) Talk about a time when you got to see people in a new
context (for example, going out to dinner with cowokers). How did that experience
change the relationships in that group?
3) How do you think doing something together as a group
outside of your group meetings could change the relationships in this group?
4) What is the connection between investing in others and
growing in your relationship with God?
Why do you think God set things up that way?
5) How could serving others change people’s perceptions of
Christians and the church? Was your perception of Christians and the church ever changed because someone served you?
6) What kind of things keep us from investing in others?
7) Is there an organization or particular group in need that
is near and dear to your heart? If so, talk about why you feel a desire to help
that organization or group.
It’s not our responsibility to change the world, only to
play our part. It is true that you cannot serve everyone in need, but you can serve someone in need.
End your time talking about ways you can serve others as a group.
Thank you for filling out the Life Group Leader Report found here.