Sunday, May 29, 2016

Questions for week May 29th - June 4th

For God and Country

1) Just for Fun: Have you ever served in the military, or have any family who serve(d) in the military?

2) Although there are many things that may be wrong with our great nation, what are some of the things you are thankful for?

3) Read 1 Timothy 2:1-3 “I urge you first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them. intercede on their behalf and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and for all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and blessed lives marked by Godliness and dignity. This is good and pleasing to God."

  • Who are the hardest people for you to pray for?
  • Who are the easiest people for you to pray for?
  • According to these verses, what is good and pleasing to God?
4) Of the 5 things Mark encouraged us to do as we move forward in 2016, which is the easiest for you to do and which is the hardest?
  • Pray for your leaders
  • Remember the fallen and honor them with your vote
  • Recommit ourselves to live out a life that honors God
  • Communicate the truth of our heritage to the next generation
  • Remember that God is sovereign, keep our trust in Him and never panic
5) Was there anything specific that impacted you the most about this message?

Close your time together praying for our church, our country and our future.

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report form found here.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Questions for week May 22nd - 28th

Overcoming Offense

1) Ice Breaker Question: Describe your perfect day off.

2) Sometimes it’s the smallest of things could cause offense, like someone cutting you off in traffic.  What is one of the smallest things you have experienced that caused you to be offended?

3) It is easier for some people to offer grace than others.  What is your first go to when you are offended by a person’s actions or comments- do you offer grace and the benefit of the doubt assuming maybe the person had a bad day, or do you get offended?

4) Has someone offended you in the past and you now recognize that you have placed a label on them and they are forever known to you by that action?  

5) Have you ever put a label on a person, and then once you really got to know them you realized they were nothing like you thought?  Do you think someone has ever put a label on you that was not a true picture of who you really are?

6) Why do you feel we find it so hard to forgive others especially when we ourselves are in such need of it?

7) Read Romans 12:3. What does this verse mean to you?

8) Was there ever a time in your life that someone offended you and you were able, through God’s grace, to forgive and allow God to heal you?  What was your greatest lesson you learned from this time in your life?

Thank you for filling out your Leader Report Form found here

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Questions for week May 15th - 21st

A Turn for the Best

1) Just for fun: What are you most fearful of (Ex: snakes, spiders, green frogs, etc.)?

2) Our take a way truth for this message was, God often uses the most painful moments of our lives to set us on a path of incredible purpose. What painful moments have you encountered that God has used to create a path to your true purpose?

3) Have you ever experienced a detour in life; something that was not part of your life plan? How has God used that to create amazing purpose in your life?

4) Do you see a difference in your life when you live dependently on God than when you are living dependently on yourself or others?  What difference do you see and experience? What can you do daily to stay dependent on God?

5) The longer you wait the more you appreciate. Have you ever waiting for something, that after the wait was over, you appreciated it more than you would have if it would have come fast and easy?

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report form found here.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Questions for week May 8th - 14th

Mother's Day at CCA

1) Just for Fun: What was your favorite meal your mom, aunt or grandmother cooked?

2) The world has definitely changed since the times Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and Bathsheba lived in.  Think back to when you were younger. What are some of the biggest changes in our culture you have noticed since that time?

3) Have you ever truly allowed God to rewrite your story? If not, what is holding you back? If so, what has God done since that time?

4) When you look at your friends and family dealing with sinful issues, do you see their plans for their lives, or can you see God’s bigger plan for their lives? How can you help them to see God’s best for them?

5) Of the three points in the message, which one has meant the most to you in your walk with Christ?
God’s grace is greater than our sinful decisions.
While we are products of our past, we don’t have to be prisoners of it.
Never let someone else’s opinion of you become your reality.

6) We tend to shrink back from people like the four women listed in question #2 because we don’t want to get involved in their messy lives. Is there a messy person or family member God is nudging you to reach out to? What is one tangible step you can take to engage this person?

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report form found here.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Questions for May 1st - 7th

Worth Fighting For

1) Just for fun: Finish this sentence, People might be surprised to find out that I _________________.

2) In your relationships, what is your natural tendency, to be quick to listen or quick to talk? How has that helped or hurt you in the past?

3) If you have grown in your communication skills share with the group the lessons you have learned and how your communication has changed your everyday life for the better? 

4) Of the three wise instructions for better relationships (Quick to Listen, Slow to Speak, and Slow to get Angry) which one is the easiest for you to do?  Which one is the most difficult for you to do?  And why?

5) What about Sunday's message Worth Fighting For impacted you the most? And what changes do you plan to begin making in the way you communicate with your mate and others?

Thank you for filling out your Life Group Leader Report form found here.