Sunday, May 19, 2013

Questions for week May 19th - 25th

Overcoming Offense

1) Ice Breaker Question: What is one thing you have accomplished in your life that you never thought you could? 

2) In the sermon Mark mentioned that the smallest of things could cause offense, like someone cutting you off in traffic.  What is one of the smallest things you have experienced that caused you to be offended?

3) It is easier for some people to offer grace than others.  What is your first go to when you are offended by a person’s actions or comments- do you offer grace and the benefit of the doubt, like maybe the person had a bad day, or do you get offended?

4) Has someone offended you in the past and you now recognize that you have placed a label on them and they are forever known to you by that action?  

5) Have you ever put a label on a person and then once you really got to know them you realized they were nothing like you thought?  Do you think someone has ever put a label on you that was not a true picture of who you really are?

6) Why do you feel we find it so hard to forgive others especially when we ourselves are in such need of it?

7) Was there ever a time in your life that someone offended you and you were able, through God’s grace, to forgive and allow God to heal you?  What was your greatest lesson you learned from this time in your life?

Don’t forget to fill out your Leader Report Form found here

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